The Broadblue 346 is an ideal catamaran for families and couples, this model is small enough to make a passage through the French canals, but robust enough to carry a Category A (Ocean) status, all with 2m headroom throughout the boat.
The key to the easy handling is the innovation “sail station” concept, bringing all of the working sheets and halyards to a single forward facing location alongside the helm station. This ensures that the 346 can be easily handled by one person, including reefing of both the main and headsails.
The spacious accommodation includes two large double aft cabins and a single cabin forward as standard. This can be extended by incorporating a single cabin amidships on the port side and a saloon conversion for the double berth.
When combined with the optional second head this allows up to 8 people to sleep aboard and enjoy facilities of two heads and two showers, all in a 10m catamaran. The 346 is a beautifully crafted catamaran, whose predecessors have sailed all over the World.