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To make navigation a pleasure in all circumstances, Aventura Catamarans is constantly looking for innovations with the keywords quality, safety and performance
The French shipyard SGTI was founded in 2000 in La Rochelle (France) by the French yachting master Mr. Eric Roger, who has extensive experience in designing multi-hull boats and extensive personal experience in navigation.
In 2007, the management of the shipyard, in order to optimize production costs, made a decision to transfer production to Tunisia. In 2015, the shipyard acquired a new modern facility in Menzel Bourguiba near Bizerte to respond to a strong growth in demand.
In 2017, Aventura Catamarans announced a complete update of its model range. For this purpose, the shipyard started to collaborate with Lasta Design, famous for working on multihulls for the Bali brand.
With its technical and human skills, as well as its infrastructures ideally located in the Mediterranean basin, Aventura Catamarans offers Aventura owners a complete follow-up of the stages of construction of their catamaran.
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